Category: Abstract

  • The Brass Handle

    The Brass Handle

    So, where would you go to find a handle like this? And what does it do…? Who knows???

  • Light Circles

    Light Circles

    And so we have reached the end of the Abstract theme. This has been my trickiest theme so far, clearly I don’t take a lot of abstract images, but never mind. We’ve made it through together, so thank you for following along on this slightly odd journey with me. I promise not to do another…

  • Filtered Light

    Filtered Light

    This shot was taken several years ago a light exhibition, and this was exactly how it looked to the human eye as well – all beams of light and veiled panels. Mysterious.

  • Racing Lines

    Racing Lines

    Here’s another black and white abstract image, a selection of racing lines (seems appropriate with the Paralympics going on right now)…

  • The Swing

    The Swing

    How do you like to go up in a swing,    Up in the air so blue? Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing    Ever a child can do!  Up in the air and over the wall,    Till I can see so wide, Rivers and trees and cattle and all    Over the countryside—  Till I look down on the garden green,    Down…

  • Painted Petals

    Painted Petals

    Here’s another painterly abstract image from nature. It’s a rather fiery dahlia.

  • Webbing


    Here’s some very extravagant and abstract spider webbing, taken on a wet morning. Has a bit of a black and white Jackson Pollack feel, I think.

  • The Abstract Sky

    The Abstract Sky

    Such beautiful, natural colours…

  • After Rothko

    After Rothko

    Sticking with famous artists – works of abstract art, here’s my take on Mark Rothko’s style. For more on Rothko, check this link out: This is a sunset photo from the Cairngorms in Scotland.