Tag: cathedral

  • The Duomo of Florence

    The Duomo of Florence

    Looming large over the whole of beautiful Florence in Italy, is the Duomo. Designed by Filippo Brunelleschi, the enormous dome was added to the cathedral in the 15th century, almost two centuries after initial construction began.

  • The Chapter House

    The Chapter House

    Within Wells Cathedral, there is a chapter house of grand proportions. It’s so cleverly designed that you can sit on one side and whisper, only for your words to be carried clearly around to the far side of the room.

  • Wells Dark Sky

    Wells Dark Sky

    Here’s another shot of Wells from this recent small subset of images, this time it’s all a bit dark and grey, and gritty.

  • Cathedral Corner

    Cathedral Corner

    Here’s a close up of one corner of Wells Cathedral, the elaborate stone work is clear for all to see.

  • Cathedral Pond

    Cathedral Pond

    Here’s Well’s Cathedral, sitting over it’s own reflection pool.

  • Cathedral Ceiling

    Cathedral Ceiling

    They really knew what they were doing when they built this cathedral in Edinburgh – the architecture is just so imposing!

  • Inside St Paul’s

    Inside St Paul’s

    This one was taken a little while ago, on a visit to St Paul’s Cathedral in London (pre-lockdown, obviously) What did this image teach me? That there’s always an interesting angle to be found in St Paul’s Cathedral.