Tag: Sheep

  • Two Lambs

    Two Lambs

    Symbolically the lamb represents innocence and sacrifice. This pair don’t look that innocent to me. If anything they look rather guilty. They certainly don’t look like they’re keen to have their photo taken. I think we will end our short burst of black and white images here.

  • Sheep on the Stone

    Sheep on the Stone

    Hidden away in the depths of Somerset are the Stanton Drew stone circles and coves. They form the 3rd largest set of standing stones in England, having been built some 4,500 years ago. Yet they are not really very well known. Unless you’re a sheep, that is.

  • Sheep in the Churchyard

    Sheep in the Churchyard

    These sheep were having a great time munching through the grass surrounding a tiny Welsh country church.

  • Hey, Ewe!

    Hey, Ewe!

    Here’s another sheep shot, and yet another interesting face (for a sheep, obviously). What did this image teach me? I’ve recently been through and updated how my archive of photos is stored, bringing together images from the last 15 years into a single location. This has allowed me to easily search through hundreds of thousands…

  • Sheeeeeep!


    This sheep definitely has an attitude! What did this image teach me? That it’s possible to be outstared by a sheep. I mean just look at it’s eyes!

  • Sheep Horizon

    Sheep Horizon

    I think there’s something of a “wild west” feel to this shot – to me at least. A kind of Mexican stand off, I can almost hear the spaghetti western music. What did this image teach me? Don’t mess with Mummy sheep, especially when she has lambs nearby (not shown in this image). This ewe…