Category: Nature Photography

  • Two Swans a-Swimming

    Two Swans a-Swimming

    Swans are among the largest (and heaviest) birds native to the UK, and can have a wingspan of up to nearly 2 1/2 metres. Whilst I believe most people will be able to name a baby swan as a cygnet, did you know that an adult female swan is a Pen and an adult male…

  • The Orange Leaf

    The Orange Leaf

    This may not be the greatest photo of a leaf ever taken, however I like it for a couple of reasons – firstly, I enjoy the detail in all the little veins running through the leaf, and secondly I remember it being quite a tricky shot to get, holding the leaf in one hand, angling…

  • Diamonds Trapped In A Web

    Diamonds Trapped In A Web

    Spiders are amazing (though also a little bit scary, in my opinion) and those that spin webs can definitely said to be creating works of art – I mean just look at these things: Spider’s silk is incredibly strong, as we all know – but did you know that most spiders have more than one…

  • White Bird on Black Water

    White Bird on Black Water

    Gulls, they’re everywhere aren’t they? At least, they’re very common in my neck of the woods. So much so that they can often be overlooked (isn’t it strange how we do that with so many things that are all around us?) However, this particular bird happened to hang around on exactly the right patch of…

  • Horse Hair

    Horse Hair

    This rather stylish horse is a good example of this season’s fashion for the “dishevelled” look, complete with a strand of hay (not straw) resting gently in the forelock… That I know nothing of horses or fashion, and especially horse fashion but I can appreciate a fine forelock.

  • The Lone Tree

    The Lone Tree

    “The leafless tree, alone and bare, awaits the coming Spring…” Anonymous There’s something appealing to me about a lone tree in winter, the shape of the branches and the lack of leaves make it almost skeletal. I also like the sepia tone of this one. The word “sepia” is a derivative of the Latin for…

  • Mist Over The Lake

    Mist Over The Lake

    This is Clatworthy Reservoir, a man-made lake used as a source of drinking water for the surrounding area. It’s a popular place for walking and fishing. Low-lying mist or fog can really add a lot of atmosphere to a shot… but it also reduces the colour and the contrast quite considerably!

  • The Drip

    The Drip

    With the November theme of America done and dusted, we turn to December… this month’s theme is all about photographs taken in the month of December. All sorts of subjects, some very wintry others less so, but all taken between December 1st and 31st, over the last 15 years or so – yet freshly edited…

  • Yosemite Falls (Lower)

    Yosemite Falls (Lower)

    This is the bottom part of Yosemite Falls, and the water ends up in a plunge pool that then seeps out into Yosemite Creek, which in turn feeds into the Merced River. The local native people called this place “Cholock” (meaning “the falls”) and they believed that the plunge pool at the bottom was frequented…