Preparing The Load


Hiring a vessel

So, it’s been a long time coming and we may be down to half a crew, but our next canal voyage is almost upon us, aye!

Can you guess where we’re headed this time?

We had originally intended to gather the crew and set off on another nautical journey in May, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the world going into lockdown we had to postpone that plan (currently rescheduled for May 2021). Still, as the lockdown has now eased somewhat and it is possible to hire a narrowboat again, we have decided to get a new adventure under way. July onboard may be a whole different experience, to May-time… we shall see.

This year the crew consists of: The Captain, the SSO (Ship Security Officer), and me – The Acting First Officer.

The SSO (aka Jerry) has been mentally preparing for this adventure for some time

To ensure that our journey sets off on the right foot, the Captain has been preparing some square meals for us to take, as well as some much needed vittles (ie, Ships Biscuits).

These delicious round biscuits will keep the crew happy and fit for the journey

Aside from a minor set back in the form of an unexpected power-cut this afternoon, we’re pretty much ready to go.

We’ve prepared the load as best we can, packing all of the essentials (and probably quite a few non-essentials too), and now all we have to do is try and contain our excitement for one more night.

So please, join us again, as we pick up the boat and make our way along yet another canal.






4 responses to “Preparing The Load”

  1. Elaine Nicholl avatar
    Elaine Nicholl

    Have an amazing trip!!! Wish we were going with you!!!

    1. scott avatar

      We wish you were too! We will do our best

  2. Jane avatar

    I’m all excited too. Enjoy yourselves!

    1. scott avatar

      Thank you, let’s hope the weather isn’t too bad!

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